Be healthy by being interiors in the natural daylight with nature!
Sun rises in the east sets in the west, it’s an old saying now tune the sun as u wish. Bring the sun light to the interior spaces with our day lighting solutions.
Raykonnect day lighting systems are designed to capture the sun rays and deliver them to the interior spaces to get brighter, white sun light in all weathers. Raykonnect provides wide range of day lighting products, for Industrial, Factories, Godown, Residential and commercial places.
Cost-effective, energy-efficient and eco-friendly solution for brighter Daylighting. It reduces the need for electricity. Keeps people connected to the outdoor environment.
Raykonnect is superior in Daylighting industry. We have perfected the capture and transmission of the sun rays indoors where it was once thought impossible. Constant innovation and progressive development have solidified our role as the industry leader in quality of daylighting solutions.
This system delivers sunlight into interior spaces. – Minus the heat and harmful radiations. Hence you get natural light throughout the day. This means healthier interiors, pure white light, Low electricity and maintenance cost and green credits.
How it Works
Raykonnect Daylighting System as a natural light fixture. During daylight hours, Raykonnect Daylighting Systems let in enough natural light that you can turn off electric lights. That’s free light during whole day. You’ll enjoy the superior quality of natural day light while also reducing your Electrical lighting bills.
But unlike other Daylights(like rooflighting), Raykonnect Daylighting System eliminate glare and hot spots that can fade furnishings and it makes your Industry (team)to work in comfortable Environment.